Paranoid Foundation releases are available at CD Baby, iTunes, Amazon, Spotify and other online vendors...

Friday, 10 July 2009

Dark Grave

The Paranoid Foundation can now be found in the band directory at - the gothic music ezine. Of course, we would hardly consider ourselves as goths or a part of any definitive scene for that matter. However, that said, we certainly do have a certain attraction to the darker side of life/music/art...

Wednesday, 8 July 2009

August Podcast

Since i'm going to be away for much of the summer, August comes early for Paranoid fans. The August podcast is now online and can be found in the usual places i.e. in iTunes or by clicking HERE.

It's another exclusive piece... this time a 25-minute instrumental outtake from the Paranoid 404 'Anew Design' sessions back in 2007. This project saw Cris experiment with minimal synth and electronic textures and the podcast features a brooding trip into his distinctive haunted audio atmospherics.

The August podcast is the 11th of the series. This is the penultimate edition for the time being... expect another great episode in September and then a little more infrequently from then onwards. However we are keeping ourselves very busy in other areas... expect to hear more about our ongoing activities very soon!